motion design reel

Nike Sports Festival

The impossibility of a Planet

Dyatlov's Journal Teaser

Verification Unit

Social Proof Ad

ICEED - Logo Design

Style Out Loud - Music and Fashion Festival

Juçaí Shake teaser

Chacruna's Artwork

TV Globo - Ó paí ó

Rio Street Art Tour

The Big Dude Tour

TEDx - Rio+20

Soltara - Opening Sequence

Coca-Cola Olympic Torch Relay Rio 2016

Sacred Plant Chronicles

TEDx - Metrópole

Globo Rio - Reel

Reel 2011

Coca-Cola Zero Campaing

Nike - Phenom's House

Globo Rio - Beleza Nordestina

The Surfer’s Journal

Globosat - Conexões Urbanas

Beer Lab mobile app prototype

Google Mobile Day

Ruptly Academy

Saladah #3 - Magazine Teaser

Brasil Surf Doc - Trailer

Dub Echoes - Documentary

Globosat - II Prêmio Off

Saladah #4 - Magazine Teaser

Globo Rio - Prêmio Curta Rio

Fundação do Câncer - 20 anos

TOZ - Vernissage

Petrobrás - Raio X

Saladah #2 - Magazine teaser

Google - Art Project